Gregor Hens Marcus Ingendaay Paul Ingendaay Pascal Nicklas Christoph Peters Georg Maria Roers Hermann Josef Schueren

Übersicht - Autoren (non-fiction) - Pascal Nicklas

Pascal Nicklas
The School of Afflication
Gewalt und Empfindsamkeit in Samuel Richardsons 'Clarissa'

The sadomasochistic scenario of the testing of the "Persecuted Innocence" was first developed by Richardson; it found its cynical accomplishment in the Marquis de Sade, whose "Nouvelle Justine" may be compared to Richardson's "Clarissa".

In this study, the conflict between the explicit literary intention of Richardson and the actual efficacy of his work "Clarissa", are traced with regard to the history of literature and used as proof of the ambivalence of sensitivity in relation to violence. Little-known pamphlets and literary texts were used for the purposes of historical contextualization: family, rape and duel as centres of violence are aspects on which the study of the novel and its historical background concentrate.

Der Autor
Pascal Nicklas ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Assistent und Oberassistent am Institut für Klassische Philologie und Komparatistik der Universität Leipzig. Er lebt in Berlin

Olms Verlag, 1996, 332 S.
35,80 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-487-10300-6

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